T-1 Bus to Georgia: Tried in the Court of Megabus Opinion

Tuesday March 7th, 2016

Baltimore –> North Carolina

The most difficult part of any adventure is getting started. Once underway, however, the stresses from overthinking relax into the excitement and spontaneity of the moment. When you do begin, and you’re out there making your dreams come true, none of it matters anymore. If there’s a problem, you’re gonna solve it. That’s all there is to it. Life is simple when your in the moment. And this is what’s great about adventure: it forces you to be for the moment is all that’s left when you leave your comfort zone behind.

Reflection in the front window of the Megabus’s upper level.

It’s 5am on the upper level of a Megabus barreling down a highway somewhere in North Carolina. I’m tucked into the left front window above the driver. With the unobstructed view, I feel like I need a steering wheel. It actually takes some getting used to.

Like all good adventures, this one is off to a start as crazy as my bus driver. A young guy in a red shirt asked him why he kept stopping. “Is something wrong with the bus?” We were moving again, just on the highway, after sitting stationary in the middle of the road yet again.

The driver got angry, his skills in question, and hit the breaks swinging wildly onto the shoulder of the highway. Then, he’s out of the bus and on the phone. The police are here a few minutes later wondering what the heck is going on. They talk to the guy and explain that it’s against the law to speak with a bus driver while the bus is in motion. “Don’t do it again.”

The police leave. The driver pops up the steps onto the upper balcony to explain the situation. Well, people are pissed and he’s about to face their wrath for the driver has already been tried in the court of Megabus opinion.

“I’ll tell you again, it’s against federal law to distract the driver while he’s operating the bus.”

The bus driver and the defender.

“You didn’t tell us shit. You came up here all confused saying we was going to the wrong places then you just walk back down them stairs and drive five feet down the road to sit there. He just be asking a question.”

The people of the bus came together in support of our fellow rider. The driver made a hasty retreat back to his throne. The erratic driving lasted a bit longer, but has since calmed down. I may still make it to Georgia.


After stopping at the post office to mail my few extras home, my Uncle drove me to a park to calm my nerves. I was a wreck for a minute!


A World War II memorial across the river from Annapolis, Md.


The diversion and fresh air calmed my nerves. Thanks Uncle Bill! He also chose the location for this photo.


Here I am waiting for the train to Washington D.C. where the bus will take me to Georgia. Photo Credit to my Uncle who was obviously paying attention during the photography courses I was watching. He missed the focusing lesson, but that’s ok. 😛 He nailed the composition! Thanks Uncle Bill!!!  Seriously, thank you guys for everything. Trail angels you certainly are!


The train deposited me in Union Station in Washington D.C. where I had a one hour layover.


The ceiling of Union Station. It’s quite mesmerizing.


And fancy as can be.


The trail beckons! Like a new car your about to buy, I see it everywhere these days.


This young lady noticed me taking pictures and asked that I take hers. “I’m gonna be famous,” she said. “That picture’s gonna be worth a lot of money!”

I stepped onto the crazy bus at 11pm last night (Monday). I’m due to arrive in Atlanta, Georgia at 2pm, though I’ll most likely be late missing the first shuttle due to the chaos. Oh well. If I was in a hurry, I would’ve taken the bus straight to Maine instead of planning to walk there!